Unwind & Restore
As we pick up the pace and edge closer to holiday season unfortunately prioritising time for yourself seems to slip to the bottom of the 'to do' list, which ultimately serves no-one in the end, when you are left pouring the Christmas champagne from your empty cup. If this sounds all too familiar and you are needing to find time to unwind and restore we have exactly what your looking for. A remedy that will provide a huge sigh of relief for your whole system and will allow you to shift from a state of constantly doing to one of simply being and receiving.
This 2-hour intentionally crafted call to bliss and deep relaxation will include; guided breath work to help the nervous system decompress, gentle and restful yoga poses to nourish the physical body and sound medicine with crystal singing bowls to allow yourself to completely let go and release any held tension and stress that may be held unknowingly in the emotional realm.
*until November 30th, tickets are $60 thereafter.
60-minute guided breath work, yoga Asana and relaxation
lead by studio owner Chantal Pierce
60-minute Sound Medicine Journey with Crystal Signing Bowls
guided by Carly Sherriff
Herbal tea & essential oil head massage