200hour Yoga Teacher Training
The time has come to start reflecting on the year, to ask ourselves how we moved through the eb and flow of 2023, and what lessons we hope to bring with us to aid our growth and navigation through 2024. The wheel keeps moving and we keep evolving with it. We have a feeling that 2024 could be your most transformative and fulfilling year yet.
As 1 of 15 students taking part in this experience, you will form a new understanding of yourself and how you want to live a life of wholeness and connection. As expressed here by one of Teacher Training graduates, and now Om Sweet Om teacher Karra -
'My heart is overflowing with gratitude for what this training has given me and for what it continues to give me every day, for the teacher I stumbled across and the friendships formed with the beautiful souls I shared this experience with, and for being in the humble position to now teach and share yoga with others. A truly transformational experience that anyone who has the opportunity - regardless of how long or how much they have practiced yoga - should not miss!'
Don't miss this opportunity to transform and evolve into who you are meant to be, join us for 200hr Yoga Teacher Training next year.